Classes Schedule

This schedule provides details of all my Pregnancy Yoga, Birth Preparation and Postnatal Mother & Baby classes in Bournemouth, Ringwood and Christchurch / Mudeford as well as appointment times for treatments.


12 to 3pm Available for treatments and one to one sessions (Womb & Abdominal Massage, Postnatal Recovery Massage, Myofascial Release, Scar Tissue Release and Biomechanics for Birth).

6 to 7.15pm Pregnancy Yoga in Mudeford


11 to 3pm Some availability for treatments and one to one sessions

6.30 to 7.45pm Pregnancy Yoga in Ringwood


10.30 to 11.45am Postnatal yoga and baby massage classes in Ringwood

  • 17th, 24th, 31st July, 1st and 8th August
  • 11th, 18th, 25th September, 2nd and 9th October

3 to 7pm Available for treatments and one to one sessions


10.30 to 11.45am Postnatal yoga and baby massage classes in Southbourne

  • 12th, 19th, 26th September, 3rd and 10th October

3 to 7pm Available for treatments and one to one sessions

7.20 to 8.35pm Pregnancy Yoga in Bournemouth – Charminster


11am to 6.30pm Available for treatments and one to one sessions

6 to 7.30pm Birth Preparation Workshop 2: A Map of Birth & Birthing the Placenta 

  • Next dates tbc


10 to 2pm Birth Preparation Workshop 1: Birth Power! 

  • 3rd August
  • 14th September
  • 12th October
  • 16th November


10 to 1pm Occasionally available for treatments and one to one sessions


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