Abdominal Massage

Womb & Abdominal Massage is a blend of massage and bodywork techniques to address conditions involving reproductive organs, the pelvis, the digestive system and emotional health.

This massage can help with painful menstruation, irregular menstrual cycle, pregnancy, pelvic girdle pain (SPD / PGP), baby positioning, postnatal recovery, endometriosis, adenomyosis, fertility, perimenopause, menopause, fibroids, IBS, digestive problems, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), low backache, headaches, prolapse, scar tissue and more. This treatment is also of benefit when the womb is no longer present. (I’m in the process of updating this section, in the meantime if you would like further information about this treatment please get in touch).

To really start addressing issues and pelvic health I recommend having a series of 3 treatments and this is available at a discounted rate. The first session takes up to 3 hours and includes the consultation – taking a detailed case history; looking at diet and lifestyle, making a package of tailor made recommendations of self care treatments to support your body and I will teach you a self care massage routine – along with receiving the womb & abdominal massage treatment.

Follow up treatments are about 90 minutes and include a follow up consultation, the massage and self care recommendations.

A package of three treatments is £210 (saving £20 on individual treatments). This includes the initial session of up to 3 hours & 2 x 90 minute sessions. Frequency of treatments depends on your symptoms and it might be beneficial to have them weekly or fortnightly to begin with (we’ll discuss this at your first appointment). Maximum time limit for this package of treatments: To be taken over 3 consecutive menstrual cycles (if applicable) or 3 consecutive months i.e. 10th June, 10th July, 10th August. This is for consistency and best results.

Follow up package of three treatments £165 (saving £15 on individual treatments): 3 x 90 minute sessions, to be taken over 3 consecutive menstrual cycles (if applicable) or 3 consecutive months (i.e. 10th June, 10th July, 10th August) or less.

Individual treatment prices

Initial session up to 3 hours for consultation and treatment £110

Subsequent treatments (90 minutes) £60

If you would like to experience a treatment without the self care package or in-depth consultation this can be arranged with a briefer consultation: approx 90 minutes – £65

Contact me here or email [email protected] to book


Womb & Abdominal Massage and scar tissue work

This includes the full Womb & Abdominal Massage package detailed as above along with specific scar tissue release work for abdominal scars from caesarean birth, hysterectomy, laparoscopy, appendectomy and more. These two treatments compliment each other wonderfully to work more deeply and specifically on scars while still having the nurturing and therapeutic benefits of the massage.

A package of three treatments is £230 (saving £20 on individual treatments). This includes the initial session of 3 hours & 2 x 1 & 3/4 hour sessions. Frequency of treatments depends on your symptoms and it might be beneficial to have them weekly or fortnightly to begin with (we’ll discuss this at your first appointment). Maximum time limit for this package of treatments: To be taken over 3 consecutive menstrual cycles (if applicable) or 3 consecutive months i.e. 10th June, 10th July, 10th August. This is for consistency and best results.

Follow up package of three treatments £195 (saving £15 on individual treatments): 3 x 1 & 3/4 hour sessions, to be taken over 3 consecutive menstrual cycles (if applicable) or 3 consecutive months (i.e. 10th June, 10th July, 10th August) or less.

Individual treatment prices

Initial session up to 3 hours for consultation and treatment £110

Subsequent treatments (1 & 3/4 hours) £70

Contact me here or email [email protected] to book


“I had a set of treatments with Rosa to address some fertility issues I had been experiencing. Rosa’s nature and environment was so lovely and calming and something I really looked forward to after work. She offered a number of techniques both in treatment and things I could try at home that were tailored to my needs. I am now happily 21 weeks pregnant and strongly believe that the treatment helped my body to get ready for pregnancy. Thank you Rosa!”

“Hi Rosa. This is amazing, So this morning I have woken generally feel much better. Usually I wake with so much discomfort in my side and other torso areas I can hardly move. It feels like magic has happened. The discomfort is so much less…. The womb also feels all chilled out. I had no idea so much tension was being held there. I’ll definitely try and keep up the practice.
Thank you so much.”

Read more testimonials here